Here you will find all things related to bats. If you are looking for information that you cannot find here, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Bat House Guides
- Bat House Placement Guide - Everything you need to know where and how to mount your bat house.
- BCI Certification Guidelines - Bat Conservation International bat house certification guidelines.
- Bat Zones - What zones are and why they are important.
General Bat Information
- Bats in Your State - Find out which bats live in your area.
- Endangered Bats in North America - List of endangered bats in North America, causes of their decline, and what you can do to help.
- Myths and Facts About Bats - Dispels the myths about bats.
- White-Nose Syndrome - Explains what the illness is an how it is impacting bats.
Manuals and Documents
- [PDF] BCI Bat House Pole Installation Manual - Bat house pole mounting instructions provided by Bat Conservation International.
- [PDF] P&SCC Bat House Building and Pole Installation Manual - Bat house wall and pole mounting instructions.
- [PDF] P&SCC Bat House Buying Guide Brochure
- [PDF] P&SCC Bat House Importance Brochure
External Resources
Non-Profit Organizations
- Bat Conservation International - Conserving the world's bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet.
- The National Speleological Society - Promotes safe and responsible caving practices.
- Tesomas Conservation Foundation - Promotes and facilitates environmental education and responsible conservation practices at Crystal Lake Scout Reservation.
Humane Bat Removal Services
- Animals in the Attic - Nationwide service.
- DeBow Wildlife Service - Services New Hampshire.
- James Dreisacker, Batcone - Sells products to help with bat removal.